
The Biblical Calendar - Qumran and Mishneh Torah - 1:20:04

By what authority do we determine the proper calendar for Biblical observance? Are we being disrespectful of Judaism or even anti-semitic if we follow another calendar for keeping Yah's Feasts? Why isn't the ancient calendar of the DSS being used?

Psalms 81 - Gathering God's People to Listen and Obey - 1:42:30

New moon? Full moon? Is Psalms 81:3 a proof-text for the luni-solar calendar system? We examine this psalm of Asaph in depth to see if the phase of the moon has a significant presence in Scripture for us to consider.

Chanukkah and the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar - 1:13:58

If we choose to celebrate Chanukkah, should we keep it according to the Zadokite Sabbath Calendar?

The Zadokite Sabbath Calendar - An Overview, part 1 - 1:15:16

This 2-part series is a comprehensive overview covering all the basics regarding the ancient calendar that was discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Zadokite Sabbath Calendar - An Overview, part 2 - 1:58:51

This 2-part series is a comprehensive overview covering all the basics regarding the ancient calendar that was discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Shabbat Shalom - Yom Teruah! - 35:14

This Holy Day has always held a highly esteemed significance in our hearts, and when we look at the timing of it on the sabbath calendar - our hypothesized premise seems to shine even more!

The Biblical Calendar Then and Now - An Introduction - 21:51

Beginning the Biblical year in the spring of 2016 presented a real dilemma for us. Our luni-solar methods were in a much larger quandary than usual as to whether or not to add an extra month. Then we were faced with new information (new to us) about an ancient calendar system that was tucked away in the Dead Sea Scrolls....

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Reasons for the Seasons - Why It Gets So Hot & Cold - 5:00

Why does Earth experience the 4 seasons and how are they beneficial to Life? Learn answers in this intriguing video with David Rives.

How Old is theEarth and Why Does it Matter? - 7:15

Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, research biologist at Answers in Genesis, joins David Rives on Creation in the 21st Century. Today, they discuss how old the earth is and the implications it has. What does it mean for humanity if the earth is 6000 years old? What if it's 4.2 billion years old?

Was there a Literal 6-Day Creation? - 8:18

In this episode of CREATION with David Rives, David interviews Dr. Andrew Snelling, a Geologist and Director of Research for ‪@answersingenesis‬. The two discuss the Biblical precedent for a literal 6-day creation and examine how the evidence stacks up against the biblical account.

How Does Creation Explain Millions of Light Years? - 5:43

In this Genesis Science Report Q&A, David Rives answers a viewer’s question: “How can millions of light years be reconciled with a young Earth creation view?” David explores fascinating theories that connect biblical cosmology with the nature of light, time, and space, offering fresh insights into this complex topic.

The Best Evidence for a Young Earth - 9:58

Dr. Michael Houts, Nuclear Research Manager at NASA's Marshall Flight Manager, rejoins David Rives on CREATION. Today, they discuss some of the best evidence to support a young earth theory.

MYTH: The Early Church Neglected Science & Astrology - 10:06

Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Head Scientist at Creation Ministries International, joins David Rives as they discuss astrology and how the Medieval Church interacted with Science.